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Sequis Officially Established its Unit Business: PT Sequis Aset Manajemen (SAM)

15 September 2017

Sequis Officially Established its Unit Business:

PT Sequis Aset Manajemen (SAM)

Jakarta,15 September 2016 – PT AJ Sequis Life (Sequis) officially established its new business unit, PT Sequis Aset Manajemen (Sequis Asset Management) that has full license from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan since 25 January 2016. Sequis Asset Management (SAM) is an investment management company owned by Sequislife which has strategic partnership with Nippon Life Insurance Company (Nissay).

“Sequis has been known as an insurance provider for individuals and corporations. Along with the OJK’s plan to allow insurance and non-bank financial companies to market mutual fund, therefore, Sequislife foresee the potential to use its wide marketing network to market asset managemen products. We hope that SAM can contribute to increase mutual fund penetration to retail customers throughout Indonesia. The establishement of Investment Management firm is an important part of Sequis’ plan to be a one - stop financial solution provider in Indonesia,“ said Tatang Widjaja, CEO Sequis Group & Shareholders Representative.

“I am delightful to attend this memorable ceremony. On behalf of Nippon Life group, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations. Nissay Asset Management as a member of Nippon Life group is very honored to work with SAM with the spirit of mutual partnership going forward,” said Masamichi Kishimoto, General Manager, Head of International Business, Nissay Asset Management.

Poniman, Director, SAM, emphasized that Sequislife has long experiences in investments which are based on a target of a long-term steady return. I suppose it is very good base to build a strong investment team which has good investment philosophy and well-trained expertise. “Life and health insurance are the basic protection. Now Sequis customers can meet their investment needs by investing in mutual funds. On this occasion, we also launch our products at once to meet the different needs of individuals and corporate customers, “said Poniman.

David Chang, Director, SAM, added, “SAM believes that its business could grow with the rapidly expanding asset management market of Indonesia. SAM expects to market its range of financial products and services to both retail and corporate clients throughout Indonesia. SAM plans to use Sequis RSC (Regional Service Center) offices as representative offices for regional sales outside Jakarta.”

According to Tatang, Sequis is committed to add more capital to support SAM’s business growth and utilize its strategic partnership with Nippon Life Insurance Company, by applying the expertise of its subsidiary, Nissay Asset Management (NAM) which owns asset of US$99 billion. “As a local company, we are ready to compete with the international asset management companies in mutual fund market. We utilize Sequis brand which has been known for its independence, transparency and profesionalism to increase the trust of prospective customers, “said Tatang.

SAM Offers Five Excellence Products

Sequis Liquid Prima Fund Money Market Fund to provide an attractive income with high liquidity through placements in deposits and debt securities with period less than one year. Retail & Institution
Sequis Bond Optima Fund Fix Income Fund to provide an attractive level of relatively stable investment income through debt securities placement with a relatively short duration Retail, Foundation & Corporate.
Sequis Equity Maxima Fund Equity Fund to provide long-term capital growth through investment in quality companies shares with a method of allocation based on the quality and potential growth of the companies' stock price. Retail, Foundation & Pension Fund
Sequis Equity Indonesia Fund Equity Fund to provide long-term capital growth through investment in quality companies shares with a weighting allocations similar to the method used by JCI. Retail, Foundation & Pension Fund
Sequis Balance Ultima Fund Balanced Fund to optimize the level of investment income through active allocation between money market instruments, bonds and stocks Retail

Mutual Fund Online Marketing Opportunities

The mutual fund penetration rate in Indonesia is still low, less than 1% of the total population (Source: APRDI, Asosiasi Pengelola Reksa Dana Indonesia), is an opportunity for marketing mutual fund through online because it will be more efficient than conventional marketing, and to reach a wider geographical market. Internet penetration in Indonesia reached almost 30%, of which 60% is through GSM services, and we look forward to future online marketing which could reach about 50% of the total population. Although Asset Under Management (AUM) per client is relatively small, but the low cost of online marketing will allow companies to remain profitable.

Mutual Fund Prospects

Sequis believes the mutul fund investment business has a positive outlook for the future. Total AUM at the end of 2015 was only 2,9% of the national GDP. It is low compared with total global average that is 39%. The growth of middle-class young families will encourage investment needs for education and pension that ultimately will enhance the growth of mutual fund investment.

Closing the discussion, Tatang hopes that SAM will be able to improve its position to become the top player in the investment firm in the next five years. “We believe that good corporate governance is essential to achieve long-term success. Sequis applied good corporate governance in accordance to the principles set by the government. We consistently adhere to these principles in order to ensure that Sequis remain a professional company in the financial industry,“ concludes Tatang.

Company Performance

PT AJ Sequis Life (Sequislife) and its subsidiary PT AJ Sequis Financial (Sequis Financial) recorded its financial statement semester 1/2016. Sequislife’s performance report recorded positive for Total Gross Premium Income of Rp1,536 Trilion, increased 11% from previous year of Rp1,383 Trilion. Total Asset of Rp16,400 Trillion, increased 9% from 2015 of Rp15,041Trilion. The profit also increased 54% to Rp660,599 Billion from the previous year Rp429,866 Billion. Minimum Risk-Based Capital recorded 805.17%.

Total Gross Premium Income for Sequis Financial worth of Rp29,693 Billion, increased 22% from the previous year Rp24,281 Billion. Total Asset increased 6% from Rp461,217 Billion to Rp487,175 Billion. Sequis Financial’s Profit also increased to Rp9,684 Billion from the previous year Rp9,680 Billion. The Minimum Risk-Based Capital worth of 723.93%.

Semester 1/2016, Sequislife and Sequis Financial had fully committed in settling the major claim for 584 cases worth of Rp63,886 Billion and 24 cases worth of US$551,000. Sequis also settled its health claim commitment for 6003 cases worth of Rp64, 151 Billion.

To deliver best services to more than 400,000 policyholders, Sequis is strengthen by 13,238 licensed agents and supported by customer service at National Service Center (NSC) and Regional Service Center (RSC) ( as well as 86 marketing offices in 31 cities in Indonesia.




YTD June 2016

YTD June 2015

Gross Premium Income* (in million Rp)




Total Asset* (in million Rp)




Profit* (in million Rp)








YTD June 2016

YTD June 2015

Gross Premium Income* (in million Rp)




Total Asset* (in million Rp)




Profit* (in million Rp)





Company Info

  1.  About PT Sequis Aset Manajemen (Sequis Asset Management)
  • PT Sequis Asset Management (SAM)  is an investment company that already has full license from Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) since 25 January 2016. The company is owned by Sequislife which has a strategic partnership with Nippon Life Insurance Company (Nissay), which are two major companies.
  • SAM is located in Sequis Center, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 71, 8th Floor, Jakarta. SAM is fully set up to do business in the Investment Management industry.
  • SAM is supported by the experienced professionals in investment field. SAM offers mutual fund investment solutions that is tailored to the needs and profile of its customers and prospective customers with the adjustment to market condition.
  • SAM provides best services by providing investment products and financial services compromising equity, ficed income, and money market securities for prospective individual dan corporate customers to achieve the optimal return through long-term and short-term investment.
  • SAM believe that it is important to have Good Corporate Governance to make SAM continues to be entrusted for long-term. Therefore SAM is committed to uphold the highest standards of integrity in the asset management industry, contributing the nation-building and provide customers through best assurance to achieve Your Better Tomorrow.
  • More detail information about Sequis Asset Management can be found at
  1. About Sequis
  • Sequislife established in Jakarta in 1984 with the name PT. Universal Life Indo. In 1992, PT. Universal Life Indo had joint venture with New York Life (NYL) International Corporation, then changed its name to Sewu New York Life. In 2003, all New York Life’s shares has been acquired followed by the change of the company name to Sequislife. In 2005, Sequislife acquired all the shares of multinational company, Met Life Indonesia to accommodate the growth of the company. Met Life then changed to Sequis Financial which more focus on Alternative Distribution Channel which includes Employee Benefit Business, Partnership Distribution and Telemarketing.   
  • In 2014 Sequislife took another step by performing strategic partnership with Nippon Life Insurance Company, Nippon Life Insurance Company acquired 20% of new shares (new subscription) by investing Rp.4.87 Trillion.
  • In 2015, PT AJ Sequis Life has done its rebranding from Sequislife to Sequis. Sequis is the umbrella brand for its business units; Sequislife and Sequis Financial to strengthen its presence as one of the biggest insurance companies in Indonesia. To support the Vision 2020: To Be THE Leading Life and Health Insurer in Indonesia, Sequis made some focus changes and distribution unit. The changes from single brand to umbrella brand, Sequis, focusing on three descriptors; LifeHealth and Investment, as well as the tagline; “Your Better Tomorrow” to strengthen its dedication to customers.
  • At the end of December 2015, Sequis re-famed its website to with new look, fresh design and easy interface.

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