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Sequis Mencatat Kinerja Keuangan Positif di Kuartal 3/2017

Noting Sequis Positive Financial Results in Quarter 4/2017
Jakarta, December 6, 2017 - PT Sequis Life Life Insurance (Sequis Life) re-recorded positive financial performance in the third quarter of 2017. Sequis Life recorded Total Premium Income(Gross) of Rp2, 37 trillion with Total Fund under Management of Rp 17, 58 trillion. While Sequis Life's Net Profit in the third quarter was recorded at Rp 949.618 billion. While its subsidiary,PT Sequis Financial Sequis Financial (Sequis Financial) managed to record Total Premium Income (Gross) of Rp 31,51 billion, with Total Assets Under Management recorded was US $494,73 billion and net profit reached Rp14, 58 billion.
Solvency or Risk-based Capital (RBC) ratios of Sequis Life and Sequis Financial went well beyond the minimum ratio of 120% required by the government.Sequis RBC Life is at position 848, 87% while RBC Financial Sequis amounted to 924, 31%.
The positive performance of Sequis is also accompanied by the company's commitment to pay claims to its customers. Sequis Life recorded the amount of Death Claim payment for its customers in the 3rd quarter of this year is Rp 91 billion, while Health Claims paid until the third quarter of 2017 reached Rp 167 billion. While Sequis Financial also reported the payment of Death Claims and Health Claims until the third quarter of 2017 amounting to Rp 8 miliar and Rp 3 billion, respectively.
Sequis constantly strives to improve its productivity and services to help create a better tomorrow for the people of Indonesia.Currently Sequis is supported by over 14,000 licensed agency sales force and is supported by National Service Center (NSC) and Regional Service Center (RSC) service and 80 marketing offices in 29 cities in Indonesia to provide the best service for more than 440,000 customer policies owned.
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Sequis Performance Highlights
YTD June 2017
PT Life Insurance Sequis Life |
PT Sequis Financial Life Insurance |
1 |
Gross Premium Income * |
2,375,434,91 |
31.518.05 |
2 |
Asset Under Management (AUM) * |
17.589.072 |
494.730 |
3 |
Net Profit * |
949.618,81 |
14,584.32 |
4 |
848.87% |
924.31% |
*) in mio (IDR)
PT Asuransi Jiwa Sequis Life |
PT Sequis Financial Life Insurance |
1 |
Death Claim |
91802.51 |
8,493,05 |
2 |
Health Claim |
167,245.69 |
3.288.02 |
*) in mio (IDR)